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A member registered Sep 23, 2020

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Aw, I think the menu would really benefit from a tune, as the music is so great in this game, but I'm sure you have your reasons. Thanks for the reply :)

Amazing game. Loving it so far. It has me hooked like no other shmup. BUT WHY IS THERE NO MENU MUSIC.

(1 edit)

This has great potential. I played it all the way through. It already feels good and that's a big achievement. Some things I'd change:

1) Doors get in the way a little too often. Like, if a door frame has been kicked in front of an unopened door, you have to jump onto the door frame. The frame blocks you. The door frames can be kicked and destroyed, solving this problem, but it might be an idea to have them destroyed at the same time they're kicked the first time.

2) I'd love the ability to pick up any weapon the enemy has used (i.e. including enemy's baseball bats).

3) More kickable things! It's called anger foot after all. Why not position things around the rooms that can be kicked into enemies, not just doors? After all, right now you can't aim a door frame at an enemy, only hope they'll get kicked by it, as they can't be seen behind the door. What if there were objects to aim?

4) More variety in the environments, enemy types, and weapons would of course be welcome.